
Geo-Trends Review: The first crowdsourcing-based content magazine in Geotechnical Engineering

Geo-Trends Review Magazine is the only crowdsourcing-based content magazine in Geotechnical Engineering and is powered by GeoWorld! The magazine is distributed quarterly.

The content of the magazine is entirely based on the resources/news and information provided by GeoWorld members: individuals, companies and organizations.

GeoWorld members post and the hottest, most exciting news are disseminated to 28,500+ members quarterly.

The magazine is designed to reflect GeoWorld’s dynamic and unique content! It is full of news, blog posts, questions and answers and photo albums by GeoWorld members.

Geo-Trends Review is published quarterly and distributed to all 28,500+ GeoWorld members! In this Magazine, GeoWorld members are the author and their message reaches directly thousands of professionals! It is the first interactive magazine that has contributors professionals and distributed to professionals and companies.

Click here to see the issues.