With all the effort you put in your website, do you ever wonder how your website does in terms of reaching its audience and being found on the web? Whether it does better than your competitors?
Many companies spend a healthy amount of funds to design, maintain, and update their website. They then spend funds to promote their website and online presence. However, how do they know what their website really needs, if it works, or even whether their online promotion has the results they need? Based on our own survey, most of the times, they don’t!
If you don’t know what the results of your efforts are, or how you stack up with competition, you are probably wasting your time and resources on things that you do not need and not devoting time on things you do. ARGO-E recently prepared a comparative web analysis report for a company in the civil engineering industry. What we did is compare the company’s website impact with its competitors and see how it fairs. We used a range of analytics, metrics and data mining approaches that allowed us to get an estimate of how their website is performing compared to the rest of the industry.
We believe in data-driven approaches in online marketing, not hunches. Among many specific outcomes, we were able to provide them with specific rankings of their website traffic, impact, on how it does with google search engine for specific keywords or topics.
The report provided a set of recommendations on what they need to do to enhance their web presence.
ARGO-E is uniquely positioned to perform such analyses for at least three reasons:
- We operate our own information websites in the civil and environmental engineering industry (see here). So we have been doing this to support our own websites.
- We also manage 10+ websites in the civil and environmental industry, and have truly unique insights on what works and what does not, what is the traffic to expect and whether or not one can do better.
- We have a truly unique team of civil and environmental engineering professionals, online marketeers and website designers that will be part of this effort for you.
Our client was very excited about his report, as it gave him a clear path forward on what should be done to support his company brand and online presence. If you think this report is of interest to you, let us know.